Friday, September 25, 2009

From Sonya Rose Atkinson

There are certain special birthdays in our lives that we can never forget: When I turned a teen, that following summer, I went with my mother to see my relatives in Germany and Switzerland. I spent a day celebrating with my loved ones on an "Island of Flowers" called Insel Mainau … an absolute paradise in the heart of one of the most beautiful and fascinating areas of Europe. It was the first time in my life that I saw an actual peacock. The rare bird came up to me without any fear or reservation, right under a banana tree! I still see my relatives looking at me, smiling, and me smiling back. It was a dream for a steelworker’s daughter whose dad seemed to be always laid-off or on strike. I believe more so than rare moments in our lives are the people we share those rare moments with. I never realized how lucky I was…until I grew older. Knew that I could never experience a moment like that again.

There is an old Latin saying, “amicus verus est rara avis” … meaning “A true friend is a rare bird.” To so many, Willie, you really are a rare bird. You really are a true friend … just as much interested in their life experiences, writings, art, photos, or just about anything they do or say. You're so creative ... so full of life ... so nice to everybody, just a wonderful soul.

May you have a beautiful, bright, and blessed birthday year ... with many wonderful, unforgettable moments.

Happy 50th!

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