I remember the first time I met you - a circle in North Dallas in some apartment complex community room. You walked in looking all hippy-like with long hair - was that a MULLET? This intrigued me, I mean it wasn't the 60's (HIPPY) or 80's (MULLET) so were you somewhere lost in time or what???
I remember the next time I met you, my first staff weekend. You were bigger than life. The Big Man on Campus - and I was the geeky freshman. I remember hiding and I remember calling you out. Standing among the stones, asking to be seen, to be accepted, to be loved. That was hard and you made it easier.
I remember seeing my eldest son half-embrace you the first time - and you grab a hold of him, telling him, "Come-on dude, give me a HUG!" I watched him do it, my son who is reticent with physical emotion. And each time I see him "really" hug you, I think a little bit of healing happens.
I see you stand in front of men and love them. I see you walk gently but firmly among men and women. I see this energy of listening and wisdom. I see this honoring of people around you - honoring not so much with words, but with simple attention. I see this and realize, I want to be more like this, like you.
I am blessed to know you as are my sons. We love you, even if you are fucking OLD!
Michael Bailey

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