Friday, October 9, 2009

From Blaine Baronet

Happy Birthday Bro!!

I hope you have a great birthday and know that i love and miss you! I would have gotten you a present but what do you get a guy who has everything. Really, you are living the life. A successful career, a great woman, and freakishly good looks. I mean, like boy band good looks!

You have always been the person whose advice i know i could trust and usually took. I remember leaving home for college and being homesick so bad after three weeks that i was ready to quit and come home. I called you and you told me to give it a few more weeks,it would pass, afterward if I felt the same way you would come pick me up. You were right. Although i never graduated I partied my ass off that year and had an awesome time. Thanks.

I also want you to know that you are still the only person I have actually seen hit a hole-in-one. With borrowed clubs. The second time ever playing golf. Really, who does that? I'll tell you who, people like Chuck Norris, Mr. T., awesome people. Which is what you are Willie!

I know these are only snippets of who you are but they are the little things that i smile at when i think of you.

Have a super birthday homeboy!
(Notice i didn't mention 50 once, oops!)

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