Saturday, October 10, 2009

From Jacque "Ascender Rises Above"

Willie words!
Famous "Willie Words" left on my blog in the last three years in the form of comments...

"Whoa, man. That is scar-EE. I’m shivering with the willies!"
(concerning a pastel titled "Beneath My Father's Watchful Eye")

"Wonderful! Thanks to them for all they’ve given up."
(concerning American Indians illustration)

"This one is very intriguing. I am making up a story about what it’s about, and would love to know if I’m right."
(concerning oil pastel on emotional explosions titled "Not Such A Secret After all")

"wow. nice. it’s a blur to me too!"
(concerning an intuitive dry pastel titled "It's a Blur To Me Now")

"Perhaps extremely conflicted??"
(concerning an intuitive pastel using every dark pastel in the box titled "A Little Bit Conflicted")

"Sometimes the best hat is no hat."
(concerning a dry pastel titled "I Just Wanted to Feel (Fill) My Head")

"Nice. And i remember the old rapidiograph set myself. I wasted so many hours making those pens work."
(concerning a pen and ink perspective rendering)

"All hail the little things!!"
(concerning a pen and ink tilted "These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things")

"Very nice. And is it possible for the ascender to sink below?"
(concerning an acrylics collage... referring to my blog name: AscenderRisesAbove")

"It’s texturiffic!"
(concerning a two sided aceo titled "Be Kind")

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