Saturday, October 10, 2009

From Steve and De Swift


10. While in high school, was scouted by the Atlanta Braves
9. Was bar-mitzvahed at Temple Beth Shalom in Lafayette, LA.
8. After high school, hitchhiked his way across the USA. Plucked his eyebrows on the way, shaved his...well, you know the rest.
7. Invented the Happy Meal
6. Is now eligible for AARP membership
5. Was the model for Don Draper's character on the TV show "Mad Men."
4. Had a bit part in the music video for Peter Gabriel's "Shock the Monkey." If you look closely you can see him at the 1:28 into the video.
3. Owns a .01% interest in the royalties to the song "Happy Birthday" which generates roughly $1500 a year in income.
2. Knows the secret formula to Coca-Cola
1. Has made 50 trips around the Sun

Happy Birthday, Willie!
Steve & De Swift

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